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Edition #3 | Adverse reactions to seafood
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Edition #2 | Sugar-free allergy diagnostics
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Edition #1 | Tropical Fruits
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ALEX²  |  22.01.2024

Ever heard about sugar-free allergy diagnostics?

In nature, there are proteins in various pollen, fruits, cereals, nuts, spices, and insect venoms that contain sugar structures that can be recognised by the human immune system as foreign and may elicit the production of IgE antibodies.
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ALEX²  |  22.01.2024

NOT a nut allergy: Eva tells her story

Eva is a 19-year-old woman with a known grass pollen and house dust mite allergy. However, one day she ate an Asian dish containing nuts, coconut milk, chicken, vegetables, and rice. After dinner, she had to vomit and suffered from diarrhoea.
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ALEX²  |  10.19.2022

Wheat: A double-edged sword

Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is an important part of our daily diet, supplying us with carbohydrates, fats, dietary fibers, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water.
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ALEX²  |  09.09.2021

Insect Venom Allergy

A picnic outside? Lunch on the terrace? Sounds tempting – but the risk of getting stung by a wasp is high.
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ALEX²  |  19.10.2021

Allergic to your beloved pet?

Do your eyes water or do you sneeze after playing with, cuddling or being near a furry animal (e.g., cat, dog, or horse)?
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ALEX²  |  11.09.2022

Meat allergy - when the steak suddenly causes problems

Nowadays, 3-4% of all people suffer from food allergies.
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ALEX²  |  12.06.2021

Christmas ingredients: Caution for nut allergic patients

Who doesn't know the typical Christmas smell of spices, mulled wine and winter?
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ALEX²  |  01.12.2022

Malassezia - clinical and immunological aspects

Malassezia sympodialis as well as Malassezia furfur are yeasts that frequently trigger allergies in patients with atopic dermatitis.
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News  |  02.01.2022

MADx expands business into North American market

As of today MADx partners with ALPCO to offer its services and products to customers in North America.
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News  |  03.08.2022

MADx supports the new “Initiative Allergiescreening Deutschland”

"All children should have the chance to be screened for allergies at an early stage."
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ALEX²  |  03.04.2022

The dark side of spring - nasty early bloomers

Spring has begun and for many people spring is the most beautiful time of the year.
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ALEX²  |  12.05.2022

“Could I be allergic to cannabis?”

If you are asking yourself this question, the ALEX2® multiplex allergy test can answer it for you.
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ALEX²  |  12.05.2022

Ficus-fruit syndrome can be independent of latex allergy

90% of patients with allergic reactions to fig fruits have a ficus plant in their household.
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